Welcome to Now Hear This! The bloggy extension of For Cryin' Out Loud. I'll be posting thoughts, anecdotes, and lots and lots of silly things. If you happen to find my nonsense worth your while . . . well, I thank ya' kindly.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Towing the line, threading the needle, thinkin outside the box . . .

. . . and other such things.

I'm still trying with reckless fervor to figure this whole monster of a site out. If there is anyone in the world who is looking at this right now. Consider yourselves unbelievably blessed because in a year or so you're going to be able to say "I was reading Now Hear This! when she didn't know what in sam's hill she was doing."

And that should be very satisfying. Kinda like when you really really get to say "I told you so." We probably shouldn't relish those moments . . . but be honest, we do. Am I being a bad influence? Ok well I have to go anyway. Today, I leave you with this intriguing image.

Why am I so serious? Where am I navigating to? What is the green lamp about? Why am I wearing two sweatshirts? And how in the name of all is good does my forehead manage to be that big?!?!?!?!

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